Ozal Sheikh:

Over the past few years I have realised that music has changed my life. I realised that music keeps me calm and happy. The music I’ve played throughout the year has been outstanding.   (Year 6, 2018) […]

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The reason I joined the orchestra was because I love music. But now I’ve realised that it’s not just music, it’s a way of taking you and your thoughts to another world. […]

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New Zealand String Quartet:

“The Quartet members all enjoyed working with the Tironui Trust children in South Auckland again, and know how valuable this kind of project is in the development of up and coming young musicians. You are doing fine work here and we wish you continuing success with the programme.” NEW ZEALAND STRING QUARTET TRUST […]

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“I have really enjoyed playing with my fellow class mates and of course my amazing teacher Miss Mahe. One of the memories that I will never forget is when we all got to work and play with the APO.” YEAR 6, PAPATOETOE EAST PRIMARY […]

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“I remember when we were learning a piece and we couldn’t understand the dynamics, tunes and rhythm. The teachers played it to us and I said to myself that it was too hard, but at the end of practicing over and over again it made the piece more glorious than it was before. This opportunity […]

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“When I found out I was in the orchestra I was so excited to know that I was a part of a life changing experience. This opportunity has been a blast because of all the concerts we have been to and played in, thanks to our lovely teachers Miss Mahe, Mrs Snape and Mrs Insley.” […]

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Thank you Tironui Trust for giving me the opportunity to play the violin for two years. I especially loved to learn how to play “Ode to Joy” because my family loves this song. I loved when I started to play “Tribal Dance” because the song is very catchy. My family even dance when I play […]

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