
“I have really enjoyed playing with my fellow class mates and of course my amazing teacher Miss Mahe. One of the memories that I will never forget is when we all got to work and play with the APO.” YEAR 6, PAPATOETOE EAST PRIMARY […]

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“I remember when we were learning a piece and we couldn’t understand the dynamics, tunes and rhythm. The teachers played it to us and I said to myself that it was too hard, but at the end of practicing over and over again it made the piece more glorious than it was before. This opportunity […]

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“When I found out I was in the orchestra I was so excited to know that I was a part of a life changing experience. This opportunity has been a blast because of all the concerts we have been to and played in, thanks to our lovely teachers Miss Mahe, Mrs Snape and Mrs Insley.” […]

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Thank you Tironui Trust for giving me the opportunity to play the violin for two years. I especially loved to learn how to play “Ode to Joy” because my family loves this song. I loved when I started to play “Tribal Dance” because the song is very catchy. My family even dance when I play […]

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“I have had the honour of playing with the APO and it was sensational! Amongst the crowd was my proud family being really grateful that I was able to play with a very well known Orchestra across the whole country.” […]

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2019 Scholarship Students

We are thrilled to announce our 2019 Scholarship Students, who will all receive private instrumental lessons throughout the school year. This years new scholarship students are: Jordan Gow (Year 9 trumpet) studying with Tom Chester Caitlyn Singh (Year 9 trombone) studying with Tom Chester Aaliyana Televave (Year 9 flute) studying with Mary-Kate Thomson Students now […]

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2018 Scholarships

At the 2017 annual showcase concert, scholarships were awarded to five outstanding Year 8 students to enable them to continue their instrumental studies in 2018 as they leave the Tironui fold and move on to secondary school.  As well as displaying musical ability and perseverance, all have the full and ongoing support of their families […]

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Jody Hayes, Bailey Road Principal:

“Becoming a musician brings about significant benefits personally and academically for a child and with the pressures on families music tuition is out of their reach due to limitations on time and finances.  We are most thankful for this not being a barrier for our students due to this generous programme.” […]

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